Saturday, April 28, 2018

S3 with LaserPING

Parallax S3 runs a maze with LaserPING. BlocklyProp Code uses a left-hand wall follower solution method to solve a simply connected maze.

Front facing LaserPING on P5, Left facing LaserPING on P4. Aluminum foil used for End marker.

BlocklyProp Code #42232 - at

Edit: Someone on Blocky for Microcontrollers (Facebook) asked about dead-ends.  This BlocklyProp code will solve dead ends too. The S3 continues to make right turns if the left path and forward path are blocked. I have clipped my two mazes together in different ways to test this. The code is for a "simply connected" maze (so it has some limitations) - see Here is video...

By the way, the aluminum foil "End" marker uses the line sensor - I discovered early in my Blockly experiments that the S3 line follower reads the reflective surface really easily.

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